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Shinji Hirooka, Ph.D.


・Doctor of Science

・Postdoctoral Researcher, Graduate School of

   Science, Chiba University, Japan

・Institute of Space Science, National Central 

   University, Taiwan, Postdoctoral fellow

<History of participation in government budget projects>

・National Research and Development Agency New Energy

・Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)Speech Recognition Research Director

Cabinet Office ImPACTSpeech recognition/emotion recognition research director


・Deep learning 

・Machine learning

・Image recognition

・Body sound analysis

 · Speech recognition

・Emotion recognition

・General signal processing

・GPS data analysis

・Geophysical data analysis



・Japan Society of Atmospheric Electrical Engineers Student Presentation Award

・IEEJ Excellent Paper Presentation Award

​<Affiliated academic society>

Japan Medical AI Society

Japan Geoscience Union

Japan Society of Atmospheric Electricity

Artificial Intelligence Society

<Qualifications, etc.>

・Chiba University Hospital Completion of telemedicine management program

・Obtained qualification certified by Japan Medical AI Society



  ・Que Sera, Sera

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